
WebSDR server Ulvila OH1E

dsp filters to reduce static more info about it here, more notch filters to reduce annoying carrier waves,high boost setting for better audio
post 16 Apr 2024
WebSDR server Ulvila OH1E

Web SDR online Links


Croatia, receiver is located near Krizevci
Darko, 9A3LI and Darko, 9A7AOF

AMRS Testreceiver, Markt Allhau, SE Austria
Located in Markt Allhau, South East Austria :Band: 80m 5200-7248kHz 20m

3 RTL dongles with converter
WebSDR receiver, located in Silec, Poland:Band: 2000-4048-4000-6040 6000-8048 8002-10050 10000-12000 12000-14000 14000-16000

DG8NGN Muenchen Germany
Located in Zirndorf. It is operated by Jann Traschewski: Frequency 144 Mhz

Noise suppression with X-phase II

Noise suppression with X-phase II This device similar devices are known as QRM eliminators or noise killers, makes it possible

The K9AY loop antenna for 160 and 80m bands

The K9AY loop antenna for 160 and 80m bands You don't have the space to put up a 4 beverage antenna's, an ewe or a 4-square and want 'good ears' on 160 and 80m? no problems try a k9ay loop antenna

Spiderbeam 10-15-20m

Spiderbeam 10-15-20m E' una Yagi tribanda full-size leggera, fatta di tubi in vetroresina e filo