
Morse CW

Know telegraphy and learn the Morse code: alphabet, communications procedures and signals, abbreviations, qso examples, q code, audio generator, translator, exercises, manipulator practices. learn morse code. alphabet, prosigns, abbreviations, q code, qso, exercises, virtual keyer, translator and more
post 05 Feb 2024
Morse CW

Telegraph Morse code Links


Adjusting Morse Keys and Paddles

A Homebrew Morse Code Key
Interested in CW Morse code, here is a simple to make, inexpensive zero $, keyer that works really well

Civil War Telegraph
Early telegraphy had a role in the July 4, 1998, re-enactment of the famous Civil War battle at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

CW code signs
This is an attempt to gather the most complete cw code signs

CW Trainer for Morserino 32
The new cw-trainer is a multi-plaform program and it will provide different learning programs

Take off angle of horizontal antenna

Take off angle of horizontal antenna For horizontal polarization, the electric field will move sideways on a horizontal plane, while for vertical polarization it will oscillate up and down on a vertical plane

Rx antennas 4Square Rx Vertical Array

Rx antennas 4Square Rx Vertical Array My frequency design of 1.825 MHz a 90 degrees line would be 33,70 metersinstead of the previously calculated 33,27 m

Calculo da Antena Bazooka

Calculo da Antena Bazooka A double bazooka antenna is a combination that has a complete coaxial wave multiplied by its velocity factor and a total end-to-end length of 1/4 wave for each side affected by another driver shortening facto