OCF Fed Dipole Click ↓
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80m Off Center Fed Dipole

An Off Center Fed Dipole is an easy way to use one antenna for multiple bands

4 Band Off Centre Fed Dipole

4 Band Off Centre Fed Dipole 40-20-15-10m

4 Center Loaded Off Center Fed Dipole 6 band

CL-OCFD with 80, 40, 30, 20, 15 & 10 m multiband Center-Loaded Off-Center-Fed Dipole

5 Fundamentals of Off Center Fed Dipoles

Off center fed dipoles OCFs are 1/2 wavelength wire antennas fed at neither the center nor the end

An off center fed ocf dipole

It's a dipole fed off center with a 4:1 balun at the offset feed point

Off Center Fed OCF dipole antenna

Permette di lavorare su piu' bande almeno per la fondamentale e le prime 2 armoniche con una efficienza accettabile

Off center feed dipole FD-4 for 160m

I took a pvc-tube with 50mm diameter and bring up 125 windings of 0,75mm² hvk standard isolated cable

Ocf Dipole Balun

Here is an enhanced balun for OCF dipole. The two toroids make the 1:4 impedance transformation

The 6 Meter OCF Dipole Vertical

The 6 Meter OCF Dipole Vertical

Windom dipoles

Known as OCF for off-center-dipole, or off center feed or simply Windom, it is an antenna with many variations

Windom antenna

The Windom antenna is OCF off center fed

Windom off center fed

Later generation of the Windom are more correctly called off-center-fed dipoles or in abbreviated form, OCF dipole antennas

Modif. February 27 2024

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