Antenna verticale multibanda
Problemi di spazio, consigli per la costruzione di una antenna verticale a 1/4 d'onda senza trappole, di semplice ed economica realizzazione
post 26 Apr 2023
Antenna Vertical Links →
Vertical half-wave aerials for 4m
For vertical use, it is much more mechanically convenient to end-feed an antenna: this will allow it to be mounted higher, and avoids distortion of its omnidirectional polar
Vertical Pancake Dipole 10-20 Meters
The antenna easily loaded 10-20 meters in the vertical configuration but it didnt do well for me on 10 and 17 meters as a horizontal dipole
Verticale con riflettore
Queta antenna l'elemento riflettore ed i radiali son isolati da massa
For vertical use, it is much more mechanically convenient to end-feed an antenna: this will allow it to be mounted higher, and avoids distortion of its omnidirectional polar
The antenna easily loaded 10-20 meters in the vertical configuration but it didnt do well for me on 10 and 17 meters as a horizontal dipole
Queta antenna l'elemento riflettore ed i radiali son isolati da massa
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