
Diy Arduino CW keyer

I added code to read push-buttons on digital pins to trigger hard-coded messages like CQ and CQ SOTA
post 01 Apr 2024
Diy Arduino CW keyer

Telegraph Morse code Links


The whole thing was designed in such a way that it can be attached behind the front panel of a transeiver

Keys, Paddles, and Keyers
I got started building my own keys and paddles, but it may have had something to do with QRP operation

Keyer version 2.2
A keyer is an electronic circuit connected to a two-paddle Morse key

La Telegrafia
Telegrafia radioamatori telegrafisti italiani cw radiotelegrafia

40m Compact 4-Square Antenna

40m Compact 4-Square Antenna Compact 4-Square Antenna – EA5AVL The EA5AVL 40M Compact 4-Square Antenna was designed to provide excellent DX communications on the 40m band

The K9AY loop antenna for 160 and 80m bands

The K9AY loop antenna for 160 and 80m bands You don't have the space to put up a 4 beverage antenna's, an ewe or a 4-square and want 'good ears' on 160 and 80m? no problems try a k9ay loop antenna

Spiderbeam 10-15-20m

Spiderbeam 10-15-20m E' una Yagi tribanda full-size leggera, fatta di tubi in vetroresina e filo