Antennas 20m 14 Mhz Click ↓
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10 elements en V inverse pour 14MHz, ON5CFT
20 meter hamstick mini beam project
20m Delta Loop
20m mini loaded dipole, IK2BCP
20 Meter Ground Plane Vertical Antenna
20m vertical aerial, G4NSJ
20 meter Vertical with Balun, W8HDU
20m vertical antenna, PA3HCM
A cubical quad for 20 meter
A 20 Meter Half Square Antenna for QRP Portable Operation, KA1DDB
An Hexagonal Beam in 3 hours, EI7BA
Antenna dipole
Antenna HF Portable for 20 meters
Bi-Plane Antenna for 20 Meters, KB9II
C-POLE portable antenna for 20mt, HB9MTN
Dipole 14mhz/50mhz, F4DXU
Delta Loop UN7CI for 7, 10, 14 and 21- MHz
Dismantable for 10m-20m, DK7ZB
Dipolo rigido echo 10-15-20, IZ0RIO
End Fed Halfwave Antenna And Matching Unit for 20-30-40 meters
Fuchs-Antenna for 20m, DL1GSJ
Linear Loaded yagi
Mini horizontal V 2 element 20MT
The 20m coil shortened shower rod dipole
The Shorty Dipole for 14mHz, G3YCC

Modif. December 11 2024

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