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Ace hf pro

This is the best Propagation Analysis and Modeling Software

DX ToolBox

information on solar and geomagnetic conditions that affect radio propagation


DXPROP est un programme de prevision de propagation


live MUF is a DXC cluster telnet client which attempts to resolve propagation


HF propagation prediction tool for Amateur Radio

High Frequency Propagation Models

page contain software developed by NTIA. NTIA

Ionospheric Simulator

In this model, the ionospheric layers are assumed as a fast moving reflecting areas

Meteor and Colorgramme

software in the detection and registration of echoes radio products by meteors shower

Online MOF/LOF HF Propagation Prediction Tool NOAA

HF Propagation Tools and Solar Data are now on multiple pages for faster loading


PalmProp is a software for PalmOs dedicated to the forcast of HF radiowave propagation


PathSim is a Windows program that can be used to simulate radio propagation

Propfire Firefox propagation extension

HF propagation info on your web browser status bar for Ham Radio/Shortwave


Complex Radio Signal Analysis, made Elegant

Propagation analysis & prediction programs

application use the VOACAP engine or a down-size version of the IRI model


PropView uses the included VOACAP, ICEPAC, and IONCAP propagation prediction


pythonProp is a collection of Python scripts designed to create voacap input

RF prop
Radio Propagation Calculator

Solar data plot utility


Spots of the same station on the same frequency and mode


VOAProp shows you typical propagation for a given hour of the day

SPLAT for Windows

Splat! Rf signal propagation, loss, and terrain analysis tool

W6elprop predicts ionospheric

W6elprop predicts ionospheric sky-wave propagation between any two locations on the earth on frequencies between 3 and 30 mhz

WSPR propagation paths

WSPR weak signal ropagation reporter

Modif. August 28 2024

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