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A serial to parallel converter using the AT89C2051

It is a basic serial to parallel converter written in 8051 assembler, and is written in the format of an example or tutorial

A Universal Programming Cable For Radios

Programming cables (programmers) for most types of radios are based

An audio interface device for speech-bandwidth

After doing several medium-distance experiments in the field using optical

CW Keyer for Windows, K1EL

WinKey is a single chip Morse keyer IC that is designed to attach to a PC’s serial port

Cavo CAT per Yaesu, I2FUG

Con interfaccia TTL / RS232 per Yaesu FT-897, FT-857, FT-817, FT-100 e simili

CAT & Audio interface for FT-897, PA2EON

schemas for CAT & Audio interfaces

Connection diagrams TNC to the transceivere

TNC connections pictured on these pages illustrate

Configuration of interfaces

If you have a simple transistor-based COM port CW interface

CW-AFSK-FSK interface switch

Multiswitch with selector for 3 transceivers, audio interface possibility to switch between 2 radios, CW computer keying

Dual Radio Computer Interface,KO7UQ

Hitachi laptop and my FT-1000 Mk5 Field and FT-817 transceivers

FT-1000MP Automatic Band Selection Interface,K6XX

Lucky for me, K2KW needed a safe place to store his FT-1000MP

FT-817 CAT Interface,KO4BB

Here is the schematic of the simple CAT interface I use with my FT-817

Interface transceivers with a built-in RS-232C, DK7IN

I wanted an interface for my FT-890, that is isolated via opto

Interfaccia optoisolata PTT per modi digitali, IZ0KBA

Un interfaccia di solo 1.5 centimetri X 1.5 centimetri

Interfaccia audio per modi digitali, IW5EIJ

necessita del collegamento del ricetrasmettitore ad un dispositivo esterno

Interfaccia per modi digitale all in one, IZ4WNP

doppia seriale fisica com3 e com4

Interfaccia FSK /AFSK

Con trasformatori 1:1 per isolare la radio

Interface for FT857

trasformers SA-801135

Interface for digital broadcasts with integrated audio – RTTY, PSK31, FT8

Interfaccia USB per traffico digitale, IW1AXR

Interfaccia multimodo digitale, IW3AAD

Interfaccia per Yaesu dove il CAT, a differenza degli apparati Icom, ha la trasmissione distinta dalla Ricezione

Interface cat system USB opto, F1TE

On the other hand, a PTT control is needed for the PC software

Icom Automatic Band Select and Serial Interface,K6XX

interface box for Icom rigs that includes a band output port

Icom ACC1 audio/keying/FSK interface, WA0SXV

The interface uses a 6-foot ACC1 cable to permit positioning it conveniently

ICOM CI-V interface to RS232 using transistors

interface to RS232, in DB9 case For Computerized Rig Control or Loggin

ICOM C-IV Interface

Constructed inside a 9 pin d-type shel

Interfacciare PC-RTX I0HJN

interfacce per consentire l’uso della scheda Audio del Computer

Parallel interface LPT- CW, TK5EP

This interface is well known and works with many logging or contest softwares

RS232 serial null modem cable wiring and tutorial

RTS, request to send and CTS, clear to send

Rig to Soundcard Interface

two isolation transformers, one for AF from the tranciever to the line in on a soundcard, and one from the audio out of the soundcard back to the mic

Simple Low Cost Interface Between Kenwood Serial Ports,K6XX

Contest logging programs, working with generic radios

USB2Usart Convertitore USB seriale RS232

Convertitore seriale USB-RS232 per aggiungere una porta COM al Vostro notebook

Winkeyer USB

USB WinKey Keyer is a natural CW interface HostMode

The safe RS232 CAT interface and PA buffer for Elecraft K2

Here is a simple interface for Elecraft K2 with KIO2

The simple and safe RS232 CAT interface for Yaesu FT-1000MP

FT-1K OptoCAT - The simple and safe RS232 CAT interface for Yaesu FT-1000MP, FT-1000MP Mark V and FT-1000MP Mark V Field rigs

Yaesu FT1000 & D rs232 homemade interface, IC8POF

The only way to get connected the ol'FT1000 rig to a modern CAT program is to have an rs232c level converter

Yaesu FT-817 CAT interface,PI4FRG

Dit interface is bedoeld om een Yaesu FT-817 te besturen via de PC

Modif. October 25 2024

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