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4-square array for the 40m-band,OZ1RDP

Switching box of the 4-square array connectors for HF

2 Element Vertical Array for 160M and 80M, VK3PA

project I wanted to erect two 40-meter stand-alone verticals

3-Element 160-Meter Array at, KC1XX

upgrade the 160-meter antenna system

3-element 160 Meter Vertical Array

3-element array on 160 meters, the system is very good

4 Square Antenna in theory and practice

It is an antenna system which

4-Square Array for Improved Front-to-Back Ratio, K3LC

This article explains how to improve the front-to-back (F/B) ratio of the classic

80M & Phased Vertical Antenna,G3WZT

system in use here on 80M is a 3 Element, in line, phased vertical array

80m 4-Square Array, K7EM

This array the SWR from 3.5 to 3.9 is below 1.5:1

160m-6m Directional Array

Stealth Generation 4 - 22-element 160m-6m Directional Array

160 Meter 5 Element Array

A 124' rohn 25 tower as a driven element with a wb0w insulator section

A Two-Transistor Phaser for 80 – 10 meters,PA0SIM

I noticed that I really did not use it in the array application

A 4 Square antenna for 80 Meters, PY2YP

Verticals antennas do require a lot of room for properly working

A square 4-square array antenna

Four separate verticals are arranged in a square, a 4-square array, one vertical at each corner of a square

A 3-Element 160 Meter Vertical Array,N6LF

4-square was transformed into two reversible 3-element arrays

Dual loop antenna system,PA0SIM

A combination of two rotating broadband magnetic

Directional arrays

A phased array antenna is composed of lots of radiating elements

Four-Square Antenna Experiences

Four verticals located in the corners of a square that is one-quarter wavelength

Feed2EL Feed Systems for a Two-Element Phased Array

An Excel workbook to aid in the design of a feed system for a typical two-element phased array

Hex Array - 80/40 Meter Vertical

It's a 6-element vertical array which is designed for 40 and 80 meter operation

Phased 40M Wire Verticals, VA7S

The wire verticals are 1/4-wavelength about 33' tall at 7.050 MHz

Phased vertical array switch relay units

Comtek pvs-2 series phased vertical array switch relay units

Remote Control Box of 4 Square K9AY Array ,SP3KEY

Computer Modeled 4 Square K9AY Array will really operate

Single Support Gain Antennas for 80 and 160 Meters

On 80 and 160 meters an antenna with modest gain

Simple 3 element phased array, KC0VKN

simple construction setup an tunig noticiable gain and directivity

The triple 4-SQUARE Project, ON4WW

Cutting the 12 quarter wave 75 Ohm coaxial feed lines

The 40m 4-square on a 4-channel Oscilloscope,ON4WW

the verticals for the 40m 4-square


Three halfwave verticals phased with homebrew ladder line

Two element phased vertica system for 40 meter, W4NFR

The Two Verticals are spaced 32 feet apart

VDA Vertical Dipole Array

The VDA is It consists of 2 elements, the driven element and a parasitic one, the reflector

Modif. April 08 2024

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