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4-square array for the 40m-band,OZ1RDP Switching box of the 4-square array connectors for HF |
2 Element Vertical Array for 160M and 80M, VK3PA project I wanted to erect two 40-meter stand-alone verticals |
3-Element 160-Meter Array at, KC1XX upgrade the 160-meter antenna system |
3-element 160 Meter Vertical Array 3-element array on 160 meters, the system is very good |
4 Square Antenna in theory and practice It is an antenna system which |
4-Square Array for Improved Front-to-Back Ratio, K3LC This article explains how to improve the front-to-back (F/B) ratio of the classic |
80M & Phased Vertical Antenna,G3WZT system in use here on 80M is a 3 Element, in line, phased vertical array |
80m 4-Square Array, K7EM This array the SWR from 3.5 to 3.9 is below 1.5:1 |
160m-6m Directional Array Stealth Generation 4 - 22-element 160m-6m Directional Array |
160 Meter 5 Element Array A 124' rohn 25 tower as a driven element with a wb0w insulator section |
A Two-Transistor Phaser for 80 – 10 meters,PA0SIM I noticed that I really did not use it in the array application |
A 4 Square antenna for 80 Meters, PY2YP Verticals antennas do require a lot of room for properly working |
A square 4-square array antenna Four separate verticals are arranged in a square, a 4-square array, one vertical at each corner of a square |
A 3-Element 160 Meter Vertical Array,N6LF 4-square was transformed into two reversible 3-element arrays |
Dual loop antenna system,PA0SIM A combination of two rotating broadband magnetic |
Directional arrays A phased array antenna is composed of lots of radiating elements |
Four-Square Antenna Experiences Four verticals located in the corners of a square that is one-quarter wavelength |
Feed2EL Feed Systems for a Two-Element Phased Array An Excel workbook to aid in the design of a feed system for a typical two-element phased array |
Hex Array - 80/40 Meter Vertical It's a 6-element vertical array which is designed for 40 and 80 meter operation |
Phased 40M Wire Verticals, VA7S The wire verticals are 1/4-wavelength about 33' tall at 7.050 MHz |
Phased vertical array switch relay units Comtek pvs-2 series phased vertical array switch relay units |
Remote Control Box of 4 Square K9AY Array ,SP3KEY Computer Modeled 4 Square K9AY Array will really operate |
Single Support Gain Antennas for 80 and 160 Meters On 80 and 160 meters an antenna with modest gain |
Simple 3 element phased array, KC0VKN simple construction setup an tunig noticiable gain and directivity |
The triple 4-SQUARE Project, ON4WW Cutting the 12 quarter wave 75 Ohm coaxial feed lines |
The 40m 4-square on a 4-channel Oscilloscope,ON4WW the verticals for the 40m 4-square |
Three-Phase,N0LX Three halfwave verticals phased with homebrew ladder line |
Two element phased vertica system for 40 meter, W4NFR The Two Verticals are spaced 32 feet apart |
VDA Vertical Dipole Array The VDA is It consists of 2 elements, the driven element and a parasitic one, the reflector |