Ham radio magazine Click ↓
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Actualites Radioamateurs News

L'actualite au quotidien Radioamateurs Ecouteurs-SWL & Auditeurs Radiodiffusion

A Ham Radio Adventure Book

A short adventure book which introduces the reader to the hobby of Ham Radio through the experiences of 14 year old Oscar

CB Radio Magazine

Welcome to CBRadioMagazine.com, the only online

CQ DL Amateurfunkmagazin

CQ DL - Das Amateurfunkmagazin

CQ Magazine

CQ Magazine Archives Online


Devoted to the British Amateur Television Club


the serious magazine for VHF and up amateur radio

Electric Radio Magazine

Vintage Ham radio restoration, AM operations, radio history, and the largest vintage-only classified ad section


funkamateur Das internationale Fachmagazin für Amateurfunk, Elektronik

Pactor news

An online source dedicated to HF communications and pactor


The Forum for Communications Experimenters

QST Magazine

QST is the monthly membership journal of ARRL

Radio rivista

Archivio R. Rivista ricerca per rubrica, argomento, autore


Radiokit elettronica da 35 anni la rivista di riferimento per i radioamatori

Radio Kit

Italian - da 35 anni la rivista di riferimento per i radioamatori

Radioamateur magazine

Centrale d’informations pour radioamateurs et radioecouteurs francophone

RWonline Radio World Newspaper

Covers Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Canada

The Canadian Amateur magazine

Magazine spotlighting Amateur Radio activities in Canada

The Microwave Journal

Microwaves articles, The Technology Voice of the Wireless World

The Spectrum Monitor

Amateur shortwave,AM/FM/TV.WI,scanning satellites,vintage radio and mor


Ham Radio was an amateur radio magazine founded in 1968

Modif. June 02 2024

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