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6x2 Coaxial Remote Antenna Switch

select one of six antennas to either of two transceivers

4-Way remotely operated hf antenna switch

All RF - connections are made RG58 using coaxial cable

A 6 to 1 hf antenna switch

In a contest setup it is necessary to have an antenna switch automatically controlled

A qro 50mhz coaxial relay switch, W7GJ

I use 28 VDC here to control all my coaxial relays, so I provided 28 VDC

A Coax Switch

shows a proven inexpensive home-made antenna selection switch

A remote antenna switching

The technique of powering mast head amplifiersover coaxial feeder

Automatic antenna controller, N9FH

Intelligent antenna controller for SO2R contesting

Antenna Switch, N6DLH

to switch the rigs between the antenna became a problem

Antenna Switch, OK1DX

I need a remotely controlled antenna switch for new tower

Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300

A solution built around an arduino nano and one of the readily available four relay switching boards, G4HSK

Antenna Selector

this selector gives solution to the situation it inconveniences of to unplug

Antenna Relay Selector Unit, M0EZP

aerial selector unit that he had made some time ago and not used

Antenna Switch 3 antennas, PA0WIT

designed to switch between 3 antennas and 4 transceivers

Antenna Switches, W8WWV

I have a number of switches that allow me to select a range

Antenna Switching, DF3CB

solution turned out to be the microHAM Double Ten Switch

Automatic Antenna Switchr

The remote unit is connected to the control unit

Antenna Switch, K0BG

The solution is to make one, and if you're frugal, it'll cost you about $20

Antenna switching, SM2DMU

To enable switching of a large number of antennas

Antenna changeover switch operated by remote control, DL7JV

Quadruple the antenna changeover switch operated by remote control

Arduino intelligent antenna matrix switch, ON7EQ

your IC-706 or IC-7000 to more than one antenna and having them switched automatically

A quad with remote antenna switch

My original Remote Antenna switch was made specifically

A remotely controlled antenna switch

The remote relay box is equipped with seven SO239 connectors one for the feed line

Autocostruzione di un commutatore d'antenna per le HF

l'idea di comperare un commutatore d'antenna

Automatic Band Decoders, EI7BA

the manual selector switch with an automatic one

Automatic band decoder per YAESU FT-920, IV3DDM

Il presente circuito permette di commutare automaticamente, ad ogni cambio banda del transceiver, l'opportuna antenna

Beverage switching box

antenna in 3 directions with coaxial T's and to use a coax switch

Beverage switch-box, DH1TW

Beverages provide great directivity and reduce the eu clutter significantly

Build a Three-Way Antenna Switch and Display, K3KKH

to use a wireless relay to select one of two high current capacity power relays

Coax Switch 160-10 meter

Home Brew coaxial switch for 160 through 10 meters

Commutatore d'antenna switch due posizioni

32A a rele porti piu di 3KW senza problemi

Comparator-based RF Switch, N6RK

comparator based RF switch to control an array of 12 Beverage

A simple remote antenna switch for receivers

The switch has been build using several little modules

Commutatore d'antenna remoto, IW7EHC

progettare e realizzare una semplice control box,con indicazione dell'antenna

Commutatore 4 antenne per 2 radio, IZ1NER

un sistema a deviatori manuali doppi

Comutatore per due rtx e due antenne

Il circuito di base non e altro che un commutatore per due trasmettitori combinato

Commutatore coassiale per 4 antenne, IW0HAN

con un trasformatorino a 12 V alternati mi commuta fino a 4 antenne

Commutatore d'antenna con scaricatore a gas fase 1

scaricatore specifico da applicare sulle linee coassiali

Commutatore d'antenna per HF a controllo remoto, IK0VVG

Commutatore d'antenna per HF, controllato da remoto

How to build an automatic remote antenna switch,SV3ORA

The results from the RF switch operation are quite satisfying. The overall construction is kept small and low profile. The switch makes a good contact despite being small

High Power RF "PIN switch" for VHF, DJ9KW

For switching the high power levels of our homebrew

How to build a simple remote control system

The circuit of a FM wireless remote switch presented here is very easy to build

Homebrew Project Remote Antenna Switch, VK2ZRM

Coax cable and a four-wire control cable connects the shack

HF Antenna Switch, G8JNJ

The purpose of this remote antenna switch was to be able

LNA Switch

I rele' di potenza sono impiegati per la commutazione di carichi AC e DC

KK1L 2x6 Antenna Switch

I designed and built a remote antenna switch to easily allow two radios

MFJ-4712 Remote Antenna Switch

The Relay box outside usually mounted at the antennas feed points location

My Homebrew Antenna Switch

with 3 sockets on the back and an A/B switch

Remote Antenna Switch, VE3LNY

The relays are 110VAC, because I had 4 of them in my parts boxy

Remote antenna switch, K5LAD

antenna switch that allowed feeding up to 4 antennas from the same feedline

Remote Controlled Antenna Switch

A controller board around a wemos d1 mini, using an esp8266 micro-controller the esp is faster with more ports, way more memory, and better ios

Remote Beverage antenna switch

A popular method is to use LED bar drivers

Relay switch 5 antenne

when an antenna is not use the feeder coax is grounded

Remote Controlled Antenna Switch

Three relays for HF antennas, the fourth relay as a UHF/VHF switch,the relays were declared for 10 A

Satellite Polarization Switcher

Make a switch that would allow both horizontal, vertical, left hand circular polarization lhcp and right hand circular polarization rhcp

Selettore coassiale per 4 antenne

Commuta fino a 4 antenne utilizzando come cavo di trasferimento il cavo coassiale

Switch 5 antennas, IZ7ATh

An antenna switch is a very useful accessory

The Automatic Antenna Selection System, K6XX

Over the past decade, several incremental station automation

Remote coaxial antenna switch box, N1AL

Many years ago I built a remote antenna switch that allowed feeding

Remote Antenna Switch, WT4Y

Port Remote Antenna Switch. DX Engineering sells the 5 kw relays

Remote Antenna Switching, EI7BA

I have no preference for 24V relays over 12V relays

Relais 6 antenne, DK4SX

switching the relay diodes on, the number of control lines

Separate Transmit/Receive Antenna Switching, AD5X

example, a vertical antenna can be a great radiator on 160 and 80


Control an external device that is connected to the 230V low-voltage network , these are electronic relays with a TRIAC as the switching element

Simple Foot Switch, OH7SV

Simple foot switch with bottom made of 1.6mm pcb material

The 6x2 is an antenna switch, SJ2W

the 6x2 is an antenna switch which can route 6 antennas to 2 radios

Un commutatore d'antenna Low Cost

costruzione di un commutatore di antenna a 4 ingressi

Wifi Remote 4 antennas switch, VA6DTX

A remote Wi-Fi antenna switch it is limited in its power handling and frequency bandwidth

Production Commercial
ESCO RF Coaxial Switches
DXEngineering Remote RF Antenna Switches
Remote AnTenna Switch - RATPak
ACOM 2000SW Remote antenna switch specifications
Commutatori elettronici antenna
Simple Two Position Remote Antenna Switch, W4KAZ
ShackLAN-4 Antrenna Switches

Modif. January 08 2025

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