EME Ham Radio Satellite Click ↓
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1296 mhz eme, LU8ENU
144MHz EME with a WB2HOL
5.5 m EME dish, SM6FHZ
432 Mhz EME, W0PT
432mhz,1296mhz,10368mhz,70cm,23cm,3cm, DL5LF
432 MHz EME built antenna, OK2KKW
4-way Splitter EME,PA3EXV
50MHz Power Splitters
AMSAT The radio amateur satellite corporation
Amateur Radio Station and Radio Observatory, G4NNS
Amateur radio moonbounce on 1296 mhz
Amateur Space Radio Astronomy pages, G0SFJ
Carsten Groen, OZ9AAR
Dedicated to 50 Mhz EME, IW5DHN
Earth moon earth, G0ISW
Earth-Moon-Earth from Alaska, KL6M
EME activity logge
EME Polarization Rotatione 432MHz Array, G3SEe
EME 1296MHz, G4CCH
EME Station, PA0EHG
Earth-Moon-Earth communication, DK5AI
EME system ready, PA3EXV
EME Earth-Moon-Communication, W6/PA0ZN
EME,Moonbounce,VHF,UHF,2m,70cm,23cm,Moonecho,Dish, OE5JFL
Early 70's EME, K3PGP
Fiji islands EME DXpedition, ZL1RS
Home page EME, DL4EBY
Home page EME, DL4EBY
Le satellite AO-40, F1AFZ
Low Cost Satellite Antennas
Moonbounce Station, DL0SHF
Moon Tracking System without PC, YO3DMU
Mike maintains a amateur satellite page, WB8ERJ
Multiband Moonbounce JO54cg, DL0SHF - DK7LJ
Parabolique Decalee de 80cm Modifiee pour la Rx a 2.4GHz
Satellites Ham-Radio VHF-DX EME, DK5YA
Successful 144 EME operations, W7GJ
Satellite DXers, OM7AQ
The K7XQ Amateur Radio EME and Space Communications Page
The 9 elements allowed a gain of 12.4dBd 14.55 dBi and was enough to make QSO with the big guns
The Dubus 2m CW EME Activity Event, SM2CEW
VHF/UHF Portable Satellite Antenna, VE2ZAZ
Vhf-uhf and microwave systems, KA1GT
VHF contests on 144MHz, PA0PLY
Welcome to 6m EME,W7GJ

Modif. June 29 2024

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