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Azimuthal Projections Info

i was interested in calculating the distance and bearing between amateur radio stations. circle distance and bearing. ultimately, this interest led to a web form for producing azimuthal maps

Armham Program Map

Maps program and countries


The AZIMUTH program plots a world map in either azimuth

Aziworld - azimuthal maps

computes azimuth and range of any DXCC prefix

Calculate distance iaru locators

These programs are written in Javascript, and should work on most modern

Dxview - world map

Dxview presents a world map, upon which beam headings, stations you spot, the sun's position, and the solar terminator are continuously displayed. A pc running windows 95, 98, nt, 2000, xp, vista, 7, or 8 is required; both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors of windows are supported

DX Atlas 2.25

Electronic World atlas for Radio Amateurs. Scrollable World map

EZ QRA Locator

The EZ QRA Locator softawre is a simple software for the calculation

Great Circles & QRA Locator

Great circles qra locator map

GcmWin Great Circle Map

program to make Great Circle maps from any location

Geog UK terrain heights

Geog is a suite of programs written by Andy Talbot

Great Circle Calculator

calculator of bearing and distances

Grid bearing

Grid bearing maps software for ham radio operators


GridTracker radio informationfrom live traffic decodes


Ham radio maidenhead grid square locator with openstreetmap qth locator goecoding


HamCalc is collection of calculators for radio amateurs

HamClocks software

HamClock is a kiosk-style application that provides real time space weather

Qra Grid Locators

Gridloc is a ncurses console application for the calculation of Maidenhead QRA Locators from location co-ordinates, and vice versa


distance and directions calculation program using


This program searches a prefix or country in a database

Palm Globe A World Globe for Palm OS

Palm Globe is a program which displays the Earth as a globe

Qra Locator live map

QRA Locator live map zoom in out seeing squares

Squares calculator

Then peak your antenna on a beacon and adjust your rotor indicator

The IARU Grid Locator System

Grid Squares are being used more and more by Radio Amateurs


This program calculates the location of almost any type of locator


WorkedGrids is a Windows application that displays a map showing

World wide locator

Il World Wide Locator o WWL, spesso chiamato semplicemente locator

Wwloc get the locator

you can get the locator from longitude and latitude

About Zone Check Interactive Map

About Zone Check Interactive Map, Grid square locators

Modif. February 27 2024

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