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40 Meter Rotatable Dipole, K6IF/W6BDN
44/28 MHz Transverter, I1KFH
6AQ5 CW Transmitter, K5DH
6m Yagi-Uda Antenna Computer Simulation Design
A 2 MHz Transverter Project, VE3CVG
A Complete 13.8 Volt, 20 Amp PSU, G4KUB
AComputer-Aided Antenna Modelling
Adattatori d'impedenza
Amateur Radio Construction Projects, K0JD
An Examiniation of the Gamma Match
Antenna Fundamental, N1BWT
Antenna Modeling Software, AC6LA
Antenna a Stealth Vertical Dipole
Below is my old dipole, W3KM
Bolometer 10GHz -ON7AMI
Building A High Voltage, K4DFH
Condensatore variabile auto-costruito
Construction Details for 50MHz-Yagis, DK7ZB
Controlled Impedance "Cheap" Antennas, WA5VJB
Delta loop per i 20 metri
Examples of Thread-on and Crimp Type N connectors
Free Yagi Antenna Designs for Ham Radio, G0KSC
From Longwire to Yagi
Frequency counter up to 12 GHz
Home brew HF SSB transceiver, VK3EPW
Homebrew ladder line,M0DAD
Homemade Satellite Antenna
Homebrew RF Test Equipment and Software
Installing long wire antenna
Inexpensive LDF 4 Termination Method
Keyer ETM-5C Elektronik, DL0BN
LC Meter Digitale, IN3NNT
LC meter with microcontrollore PIC, VK3BHR
LC meter, TK5EP
Losses in yagi antenna elements at 413 MHz
Measuring Inductors using a frequency counter
Millivolmetro digitale a tre cifre, IW2FND
Modifica TL-922, IW1PUR
Modifica Rotore Antenna AR33, IV3GFN
Non-relay instant RF Switching, G8MNY
Optimized lpda antenna
Projects, M1HOG
Simple electronic keyer, N1HFX
Simple Noise Generator, ON7AMI
The dipper, IZ7ATH
The inverted dipole is a very popular antenna
The Skew-Planar Wheel Antenna
TRX Sequencer, IW1AU-IZ1BCH
UHF Series connectors
VHF/UHF Long Yagi Workshop
Wifi VSWR Meter, PE2ER
Yagi antenna information page, GM3WOJ - ZL1CT
Calculator Baluns
Simple L/C Meter
This project is a simple LC meter based on PIC16F682A mcu
Digital Multimeters

Easy to read digital multimeters from Circuit Specialists offer special safety features which help prolong the tool's life span. Both accurate and reliable, these multimeters are perfect for many electrical applications

Modif. October 04 2024

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