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ADIF Divider


ADIF Master

Windows application for working with HAM radio logbooks ADIF

ADIF to Excel to ADIF Converter

Converting ADIF Logbook to Excel Converting Excel to ADIF Format


ADIF is an open standard for exchange of data between ham radio software


Program for printing QSL cards according to the data in the ADIF file


the program to a valid ADIF file. Click File Open and select the file

ADIF Specifications

ADIF Amateur Data Interchange Format,is an open standard for exchange of data between amateur radio software, services and websites

CBR2ADIF convert a Cabrillo file to ADIF, VE3IAY

program to convert a Cabrillo file to ADIF. The fundamental purpose

Convert ADIF to Cabrillo Format

Have an ADIF file from amateur radio contesting, but the contest you want to enter wants a Cabrillo-formatted file? This is the tool that you need, KD9MJV

Conversion TR Log N6TR files to the ADIF format, OK1RR

This utility converts log files from TR Log to the ADIF format and is independent of the contest type

Contest Log Checker

Contest LogChecker is a set of contest tools for Microsoft Windows

Contest Log File Conversion Utilities

From both the Convert Log From and Convert Log To drop-down boxes


CT2ADIF converts a CT contest log BIN file to ADIF


the conversion of some old DBF log files DXLog, EasyLog, LogPlus, TopLog

Excel ADIF conversion

You can convert your original Excel Log into ADIF format

Log Conversion Utilities and Techniques

utilities and techniques may be of use in generating and ADIF log file

LM create, edit and evaluate contest logs, DL8WAA

Standard log formats STF Cabrillo and binary formats also read all the ASCII text file


The new LogConv currently supports ADIF, Cabrillo, CT9, CT10, EQF and tr Log

Master.dta Editor

View and edit the Master Callsign Database many contesting programs

PROADIKON ist ein Tool, DL9HO

This offer might be especially interesting

CSV2 ADIF Converter

MS Excel format convert these to ADIF

Text files converters, SP7DQR

This program is designed to divide one big ADIF file to many shorter ADIF files

Modif. December 24 2024

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