Folded Dipole Click ↓
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A folded dipole that uses 300 Ohm TV

The length L is calculated using standard dipole formulas 468/Frequency in Mhz, for feet, or 143/Frequency in Mhz for meters with a loss factor of about 2-5% factored in. Two shorting straps are soldered close to the ends at 0.07L, a distance of 0.86L

Antenna Short Linear Loaded

short ham antennas are not as efficient nor as effective as a full length half wave dipole regardless of the configuration chosen

Coaxial Folded Dipole Antenna

you can make a 50 ohm version directly from RG-58 or RG-8 / RG-213 cable

Dipolo ripiegato per gli 80 metri

Antenna con molta piu' silenziosita', quindi miglior rapporto segnale rumore, molta piu' larghezza di banda

Folded Dipoles

A variation of the dipole is an antenna called a folded dipole. It radiates like a dipole but sort of looks like a squashed quad


Antenna a copertura continua da usarsi solo in ricezione, ottima per l'ascolto con QRM cittadino e con disturbi atmosferici

Off centre fed_antennas

40-30-20 m Short Antenna small no bulky traps minimum of components

The Folded Dipole

The Folded Dipole is not used much amongst Radio amateurs, probably due to the fact that this antenna uses twice as much wire as a single-wire dipol

T2FD folded dipole

a broadband antenna for receiving broadcast stations

Terminated Folded Dipole

The reason it's called an all band antenna is because if it's carefully constructed and installed, this antenna will work well on all bands from 80 to 10 meters

The Folded Dipole Antenna

A folded dipole is a dipole antenna with the ends folded back around and connected to each other, forming a loop

Modif. May 01 2024

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