A shortened 40 meter rotary dipole, PA1M |
40 meter top loaded vertical 7 MHz, KD8JHJ |
40m Band, portable dipole, DJ9RB |
40m Standard half-wave Dipole Antenna, M0EZP |
7 Mhz Verticale antenna, G3PTO |
A dual loop 80 and 40 meter Hf wire, VE6VIS |
A Linear Loaded Vertical antenna for 40mt and 80mt ,PA3HBB |
A Shortened 7 mHz Dipole, GM4JMU |
Adding 30 and 40 meters to the 4 Element SteppIR, WD0M |
Antena multibanda G5RV |
Antenne fuchs pour le 40m a mon domicile, F6BQU |
Antenne verticale monobande 7Mhz, F1RFM |
Balanced Terminated Folded Dipole, W7CIA |
Capacitive Antennas 7.050 - 3.550 MHz, Dl7JV |
Dipolo for 40 80 meter |
Dipolo rotativo para hf, XE1RM |
Double Zepp 2 x 40m |
Dipolo rotativo per i 40 mt a carico lineare, I1WQR |
Electrically short dipole antenna for the 40m band, DG0SA |
High Performance 40 Meters Vertical, W6NBC |
Multi Band cage Dipole Antenna Project, N3UJJ |
Multi dipoles Indoor, ON3TA |
Prototipo di antenna per i 7MHz in 22cm, IW0BZD |
Quad cubical 40 mts, CE4WJK |
Shortened with 40 turns trap 7 mhz Dipole, GM4JMU |
Shortening your dipole |
Sloper sloping dipoles 40m-80m |
Super gain antenna project for 40 meters |
Quarter-wave vertical antenna length calculator |
The 40 meter Stealth Vertical, K7ZB |
Tribander 40 meter boom to dipole, K4BEV |
Vertical 10/80mt ,I1BAY |
Vertical 40mt no coils ,IK2ZMZ |