Antenna 40m 7 MHz Click ↓
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A shortened 40 meter rotary dipole, PA1M
40 meter top loaded vertical 7 MHz, KD8JHJ
40m Band, portable dipole, DJ9RB
40m Standard half-wave Dipole Antenna, M0EZP
7 Mhz Verticale antenna, G3PTO
A dual loop 80 and 40 meter Hf wire, VE6VIS
A Linear Loaded Vertical antenna for 40mt and 80mt ,PA3HBB
A Shortened 7 mHz Dipole, GM4JMU
Adding 30 and 40 meters to the 4 Element SteppIR, WD0M
Antena multibanda G5RV
Antenne fuchs pour le 40m a mon domicile, F6BQU
Antenne verticale monobande 7Mhz, F1RFM
Balanced Terminated Folded Dipole, W7CIA
Capacitive Antennas 7.050 - 3.550 MHz, Dl7JV
Dipolo for 40 80 meter
Dipolo rotativo para hf, XE1RM
Double Zepp 2 x 40m
Dipolo rotativo per i 40 mt a carico lineare, I1WQR
Electrically short dipole antenna for the 40m band, DG0SA
High Performance 40 Meters Vertical, W6NBC
Multi Band cage Dipole Antenna Project, N3UJJ
Multi dipoles Indoor, ON3TA
Prototipo di antenna per i 7MHz in 22cm, IW0BZD
Quad cubical 40 mts, CE4WJK
Shortened with 40 turns trap 7 mhz Dipole, GM4JMU
Shortening your dipole
Sloper sloping dipoles 40m-80m
Super gain antenna project for 40 meters
Quarter-wave vertical antenna length calculator
The 40 meter Stealth Vertical, K7ZB
Tribander 40 meter boom to dipole, K4BEV
Vertical 10/80mt ,I1BAY
Vertical 40mt no coils ,IK2ZMZ

Modif. March 30 2024

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