
A Linear Loaded Vertical antenna for 40mt and 80mt

The vertical antenna looks to be the perfect low angle radiator, except for one thing the height of a 1/4 l at 80 metres is 20 metres, or 66 feet, which is not practical to construct
post 15 Feb 2024
A Linear Loaded Vertical antenna for 40mt and 80mt

Antenna 40 Meter Links


The Half Square Antenna
The antenna is built using stranded, black electrical wire

Antenas encurtadas tipo rigido com bobinas de compensacao
An antenna is intended to work in the 40-meter directional Yagi type cut to the frequency of 7,010 to 7,100 MHz, with a length of 4 meters. per element and with the deployment of a coil at 2 meters. from the center

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Compact only 9m dipole for 40m band
Total length only 9m40 about less than a 20m dipole, It is a center loaded antenna

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Duplexer 2m-70cm

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