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Abc's of Shortwave portable radios
Barlow Wadley XCR-30 MK2 Home Page
Cobalt pet shortwave weblog
Crystal Radios at crystalradio.org.uk
Dave's Radio Receiver Page
DX Activities of LX4SKY
DX Radio
DXing Info
Europe Radio and Television Broadcasting
Guide to radio broadcast transmitters
I0-5639/FR SWL Blog
Iswl- G-13038
Longwave monitor, DF3LP
Le Radio di Sophie - Radio d'epoca
L'hobby del radioascolto praticato, IK1QLD
Printable SWL QSL log template
Radioascolto.it club radioascolto SWL BCL
Search for SWL Broadcasters - Frequency at HFRadio
Shortwave radio listening
Site radioamateurs, S.W.L et amateurs de radio, F1RFN
Shortwave Central
Shortwave Converter
Shortwave Log, KB0EPY
Shortwave Propagation
Shortwave Radio Listening Resource Center of NW7US
Software Geared to the Shortwave Hobbyist
SOM-SWL DX Cluster
The Classic Short Wave Broadcast QSL Home Page
The World of LF
Weather Satellite FAQ
Web site of the Irkutsk DXers
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WWCR Shortwave

Modif. May 03 2024

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