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10m, 4m, 2m and 70cm SDR from Nantwich in Cheshire
3 RTL dongles with converter
9a1cra Krizevc Croatia
AMRS Testreceiver, Markt Allhau, SE Austria
DG8NGN Muenchen Germany
Estonia Tallinn Polytechnic School Radio Club
Gerbrandy Tower, IJsselstein, NL
Germany is located at Wasserkuppe
HB9FX Remote Site Hochwacht
HeshireSDR, hosted M0PEA
I1YRB Turin, Italy
KFS WebSDR HF California USA
Microwave WebSDR in Farnham, UK
Multiband WEB-SDR DK1ML
N4DKD SoftRock located in Birmingham, AL
North East Lincolnshire
Northern Utah WebSDR
RIKU S WebSDR Server, Very popular
SBSA SiljansbygdensSandareamatorer, SK4KOR
WebSDR server Ulvila OH1E
WebSDR of DK0TE Friedrichshafen
WebSDR Live Strasbourg France

Modif. February 27 2024

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