OCF Fed Dipole | Click ↓ |
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80m Off Center Fed Dipole An Off Center Fed Dipole is an easy way to use one antenna for multiple bands |
4 Band Off Centre Fed Dipole 4 Band Off Centre Fed Dipole 40-20-15-10m |
4 Center Loaded Off Center Fed Dipole 6 band CL-OCFD with 80, 40, 30, 20, 15 & 10 m multiband Center-Loaded Off-Center-Fed Dipole |
5 Fundamentals of Off Center Fed Dipoles Off center fed dipoles OCFs are 1/2 wavelength wire antennas fed at neither the center nor the end |
An off center fed ocf dipole It's a dipole fed off center with a 4:1 balun at the offset feed point |
Off Center Fed OCF dipole antenna Permette di lavorare su piu' bande almeno per la fondamentale e le prime 2 armoniche con una efficienza accettabile |
Off center feed dipole FD-4 for 160m I took a pvc-tube with 50mm diameter and bring up 125 windings of 0,75mm² hvk standard isolated cable |
Ocf Dipole Balun Here is an enhanced balun for OCF dipole. The two toroids make the 1:4 impedance transformation |
The 6 Meter OCF Dipole Vertical The 6 Meter OCF Dipole Vertical |
Windom dipoles Known as OCF for off-center-dipole, or off center feed or simply Windom, it is an antenna with many variations |
Windom antenna The Windom antenna is OCF off center fed |
Windom off center fed Later generation of the Windom are more correctly called off-center-fed dipoles or in abbreviated form, OCF dipole antennas |