An Attic Coaxial-Cable Trap Dipole for 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 80 Meters |
Antenna dipolo, IK1QLD |
Antenne per il radioascolto |
Antenas dipoles |
Antenna filare aperiodica, IU5HIV |
Antenne-long-wire-balun-9-1 |
Antenna Bobtail 3el.per i 40m |
Antenna Bobtail for 30 meter |
Building a Longwire antenna, M0LMK |
Carolina windom-bands 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 |
Doublet multibanda, IZ2ZPH |
Dipole and inverted V design and calculator |
Dipole colineaire |
Dipolo tribanda 40-80-160m, IK5MEN |
Dipolo a "V" invertita trappolato per 40 e 80 metri, IK7WPG |
Dipoles, G3PTO |
Dipolo multibanda G5RV |
G5RV shortened |
G5RV Antenna, W8JI |
G5RV Formula a simple multiband antenna, KC8AON |
G5RV multi-band antenna |
How High should my Dipole |
Inverted L Antenna Info, WH2T |
Inverted vee dipole |
Dipole inverter vee 40-20m |
Instructions for Putting up a Long-Wire Antenna |
La Zeppelin a cortina |
L'antenna Windom |
L'antenne G5RV |
Open wire line, N6RK |
Open Wire Feeder Construction |
Rhombic antenna project |
The inverted V-shaped dipole, K7GCO |
The W8JK antenna design |
Using half square antenna for low band, N6LF |
Welcome to the Folded Dipole, W4SAT |
Zeppelin Antenna 2-Band HF, KK4OBI |
Wire Antenna Calculator,WS6X |