G5RV multi-band antenna
The invention of the G5RV dipole antenna, with its special feeder arrangement adder line is a multi-band
post 06 Dec 2024

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Zepp antenna multibands
Le antenne Zeppelin sono dette tali perché derivano, guarda caso, dal famoso dirigibile di fabbricazione tedesca detto appunto Zeppelin
Wire Antenna Calculator
The following program will calculate the lengths needed to construct several popular wire antennas
80m ARDF Antenna
At 80m, any antenna using a wire length of 8m or less , has a high input reactance with a very low radiation resistance
Le antenne Zeppelin sono dette tali perché derivano, guarda caso, dal famoso dirigibile di fabbricazione tedesca detto appunto Zeppelin
The following program will calculate the lengths needed to construct several popular wire antennas
At 80m, any antenna using a wire length of 8m or less , has a high input reactance with a very low radiation resistance