Antenna HexBeam Click ↓
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4 band Broadband Hexbeam 20-17-15-10 meters, KE4NU

Broadband Hex beam. I first was introduced to a hex

6 meter HexBeam antenna, 4S7AB

This is a hex beam I designed for six meters

6 Band HexBeam, G3TXQ

Hexbeam is a full size 2 element Yagi beam with bent wire elements

6-band Hex Beam, AC2C

Various materials have been used to construct base plates

20-6m Broadband Hexbeam, G3TXQ-MW0JZE

Point to Point of the hexagon, 21ft 6 inches. Height is around 4ft and weight around 25lbs

30 Meter Hexbeam, W1GQL

make a hexagon of 30 meters smaller using the loading

An Hexagonal Beam in 3 hours, VE3SQB

I cut a driven element to the formula 468/f

A 10 MHz antenna Hex Beam

A large hex beam that would accommodate a 30 meter element, the hex diameter needs to be about 9 meter 30 ft

Hexbeam under repair

A hexbeam new extreme weather kit

Broadband Hex-Beam, K4KIO

Test transmission on each band: 6, 10, 15, 17, and 20 meters all SWRs 3:1

Building the hexbeam 5-band, VK2YLD

The beam is an all-pvc pipe build and came together really well

Build your own Hex Beam

All the driver wires to be fed by the coaxial cable

Building the three-element hex beam

Building the three-element hex beam, of an hf hex-beam antenna using trees to hang the antenna and a channel master antenna rotator

Feeding the Hexbeam, W6OT

The work I did on this antenna was with the feedline between each band's wire elements

G3TXQ Broadband Hexbeam

the performance bandwidth and improves the SWR

Hex Beam, K4KIO

This original design is a good antenna and owners of the HEX-BEAM

Hex Beam 6 band

6 Band Hexbeam 40m single element add on kit

Hexbeam portable foldingantennas, DL1ELU

When operating portable, on holiday or from a weekend qth, on a fieldday or DXpedition

Homebrew Hex Wire Beam Antenna, W6OT

main plate which holds the spreaders and mast. It's also attached

HexBeam broadband 20 through 10m, WW7D

Construction homebrew 20 through 10 meter broadband hexbeam

Hexbeam 6 bands antenna

6 bands 20-17-15-12-10-6- a 2 full elements on six bands

Installation of the Hex Beam, WD0M

WD0M installation of the Hex Beam

Spiderbeam VS Hex Beam

Hex beam and spiderbeam antennas designs,differences between measurements and performance

The reflected W beam 5 bands, DL7IO

The elements are connected via insulators to the spreaders

The Small Powerful Hex Beam, VA7ST

This is a home-made five-band antenna made from bits

The reflected W beam

I was always looking for a solution for my dx peditions and finally came to the this kind of antenna

Version of the broadband hexbeam, KG4JJH

square aluminum transmission line. Initial testing looks promising

X-Beam for 6m 2m and 70cm, K0EMT

when testing on 6M with a horizontally polarized

Xexbeam 5bands20m,17m,15m,12m,10m

The Hexbeam is a great little antenna! It should be highv

Modif. March 06 2024

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