Antenna HexBeam | Click ↓ |
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4 band Broadband Hexbeam 20-17-15-10 meters, KE4NU Broadband Hex beam. I first was introduced to a hex |
6 meter HexBeam antenna, 4S7AB This is a hex beam I designed for six meters |
6 Band HexBeam, G3TXQ Hexbeam is a full size 2 element Yagi beam with bent wire elements |
6-band Hex Beam, AC2C Various materials have been used to construct base plates |
20-6m Broadband Hexbeam, G3TXQ-MW0JZE Point to Point of the hexagon, 21ft 6 inches. Height is around 4ft and weight around 25lbs |
30 Meter Hexbeam, W1GQL make a hexagon of 30 meters smaller using the loading |
An Hexagonal Beam in 3 hours, VE3SQB I cut a driven element to the formula 468/f |
A 10 MHz antenna Hex Beam A large hex beam that would accommodate a 30 meter element, the hex diameter needs to be about 9 meter 30 ft |
Hexbeam under repair A hexbeam new extreme weather kit |
Broadband Hex-Beam, K4KIO Test transmission on each band: 6, 10, 15, 17, and 20 meters all SWRs 3:1 |
Building the hexbeam 5-band, VK2YLD The beam is an all-pvc pipe build and came together really well |
Build your own Hex Beam All the driver wires to be fed by the coaxial cable |
Building the three-element hex beam Building the three-element hex beam, of an hf hex-beam antenna using trees to hang the antenna and a channel master antenna rotator |
Feeding the Hexbeam, W6OT The work I did on this antenna was with the feedline between each band's wire elements |
G3TXQ Broadband Hexbeam the performance bandwidth and improves the SWR |
Hex Beam, K4KIO This original design is a good antenna and owners of the HEX-BEAM |
Hex Beam 6 band 6 Band Hexbeam 40m single element add on kit |
Hexbeam portable foldingantennas, DL1ELU When operating portable, on holiday or from a weekend qth, on a fieldday or DXpedition |
Homebrew Hex Wire Beam Antenna, W6OT main plate which holds the spreaders and mast. It's also attached |
HexBeam broadband 20 through 10m, WW7D Construction homebrew 20 through 10 meter broadband hexbeam |
Hexbeam 6 bands antenna 6 bands 20-17-15-12-10-6- a 2 full elements on six bands |
Installation of the Hex Beam, WD0M WD0M installation of the Hex Beam |
Spiderbeam VS Hex Beam Hex beam and spiderbeam antennas designs,differences between measurements and performance |
The reflected W beam 5 bands, DL7IO The elements are connected via insulators to the spreaders |
The Small Powerful Hex Beam, VA7ST This is a home-made five-band antenna made from bits |
The reflected W beam I was always looking for a solution for my dx peditions and finally came to the this kind of antenna |
Version of the broadband hexbeam, KG4JJH square aluminum transmission line. Initial testing looks promising |
X-Beam for 6m 2m and 70cm, K0EMT when testing on 6M with a horizontally polarized |
Xexbeam 5bands20m,17m,15m,12m,10m The Hexbeam is a great little antenna! It should be highv |