Hexbeam portable foldingantennas


Hexbeam portable foldingantennas

The folding beam is a 2-element directive antenna for five amateur bands 20/17/15/12/10m band, 6m band optional
post 01 Mar 2024
Hexbeam portable foldingantennas

Antenna HexBeam Links


Hexbeam portable foldingantennas
When operating portable, on holiday or from a weekend qth, on a fieldday or DXpedition

HexBeam broadband 20 through 10m
Construction homebrew 20 through 10 meter broadband hexbeam

Build your own Hex Beam
All the driver wires to be fed by the coaxial cable

Building the three-element hex beam
Building the three-element hex beam, of an hf hex-beam antenna using trees to hang the antenna and a channel master antenna rotator

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Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300 A solution built around an arduino nano and one of the readily available four relay switching boards

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