QRSS Amateur VLF operating Click ↓
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30 Meter receiver for low power QRSS

That is possible by using a very slow CW speed. QRS

10Mhz WSPR and QRSS Transmitter Project

The latter simply means sending very slow morse code

30m QRSS Junkbox Beacon

This simple 30m QRSS beacon is built entirely out of junkbox parts

A 30 Mtr Direct Conversion Receiver

It is a simple Direct Conversion design

Audio Spectrum Analyzer

This program started as a simple FFT program running under DOS

CEJ QRSS and Life Recontemplation

simple radio transmitters at extremely low power to send an extremely slow Morse code message over an extrem

Extreme narrow bandwidth techniques

The main object of this page is to provide information

ICBeacon LF CW/QRSS beacon

This simple beacon is born after discussing with Giulio, ik2ded, on some ideas for LF

Lopora QRSS beacon reception program

That is possible by using a low CW speed. QRS mean reduce your CW

Longwave Information Slow CW

overcome this limit, many stations use so-called Slow-CW

QRSS Keyer

This is a simple QRSS callsign keyer based on an Atmega AVR programmed

QRSS listenings

un modo estremo di fare radio, esiste anche il QRPP

QRSS Using absurdly low-speed CW

The term QRSS is derived from QRS a cw


frequenza 10140,98, khz test con potenza sui 200mW

The Noise Floor

noise present in any radio receiver used for any radio communications system

The QRSS Experiment

started with the QRSS Experiment, both receiving and transmitting

WSPRnet Map

Welcome to the Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network

What is QRSS

The term "QRSS" is derived from the Q-Code QRS which is used in CW

Modif. February 27 2024

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