QRSS Amateur VLF operating | Click ↓ |
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30 Meter receiver for low power QRSS That is possible by using a very slow CW speed. QRS |
10Mhz WSPR and QRSS Transmitter Project The latter simply means sending very slow morse code |
30m QRSS Junkbox Beacon This simple 30m QRSS beacon is built entirely out of junkbox parts |
A 30 Mtr Direct Conversion Receiver It is a simple Direct Conversion design |
Audio Spectrum Analyzer This program started as a simple FFT program running under DOS |
CEJ QRSS and Life Recontemplation simple radio transmitters at extremely low power to send an extremely slow Morse code message over an extrem |
Extreme narrow bandwidth techniques The main object of this page is to provide information |
ICBeacon LF CW/QRSS beacon This simple beacon is born after discussing with Giulio, ik2ded, on some ideas for LF |
Lopora QRSS beacon reception program That is possible by using a low CW speed. QRS mean reduce your CW |
Longwave Information Slow CW overcome this limit, many stations use so-called Slow-CW |
QRSS Keyer This is a simple QRSS callsign keyer based on an Atmega AVR programmed |
QRSS listenings un modo estremo di fare radio, esiste anche il QRPP |
QRSS Using absurdly low-speed CW The term QRSS is derived from QRS a cw |
QRP QRSS Beacon frequenza 10140,98, khz test con potenza sui 200mW |
The Noise Floor noise present in any radio receiver used for any radio communications system |
The QRSS Experiment started with the QRSS Experiment, both receiving and transmitting |
WSPRnet Map Welcome to the Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network |
What is QRSS The term "QRSS" is derived from the Q-Code QRS which is used in CW |