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Audio processor for SSB transceiver microphone amplifier and a high pass filter, selectable at 400Hz, 600Hz and 1050Hz |
BroadWave Streaming Audio Software BroadWave runs on any PC as a server to stream live audio over the web |
Cybercorder 2000 Cybercorder 2000 will provide VCR-like recording for all radio shows or any audio input |
EsoftAnywhere DSP & more Ham radio amateur radio, short wave, CB, DSP software |
EME Audio Examples, DF6NA Lots of EME audio recordings |
Loop Recorder Loop Recorder is a sound recording software for Windows |
Narrow Audio Filter Extremely narrow bandpass of this filter with built-in noise blanker and 30 Hz CW filter modules |
QSO Recorder This utility's purpose is to record a QSO and send it back to the other station |
RecAll AudioCapture Add a voice-activated recorder to your computer |
Scancorder With Scancorder you can record and replay audio from your scanner using your computer soundcard |
Scanrec Scanner Recorder Scanner Recorder (Scanrec) is a free audio recorder that is primarily designed |
Snooper Snooper is a professional sound activated audio recording software package with many advanced options and features |
Total Recorder audio/Video Recorder, Editor, Converter. Capture streaming video and audio with Total Recorder |
Un miscelatore di segnali audio, IZ0KBA Per miscelare i due canali stereo, destro e sinistro, per averne uno mono che contenga i due segnali miscelati |
Voice keyer, WD6CNF This Web site provides software for amateur radio operators to enhance their operating station capabilities |
VCR to record from your radio Recordings are saved as WAV or MP3 files |
Voice Recorder, IW5BLT montato ed utilizzato per registrare i messaggi |
Vox Recorder for Windows, IZ8BLY Vox Recorder is a Windows utility wich allows recording sound from an audio |
Vox Recorder permette di registrare col PC tramite la scheda audio in modo automatico segnali audio |