
6 band xebeam

Kit dei 40 metri e' ora disponibile e si puo' montare su tutte le G3TXQ Hexbeam a 6 bande prodotte in precedenza
post 31 Jan 2024
6 band xebeam

Antenna HexBeam Links


20-6m Broadband Hexbeam
Point to Point of the hexagon, 21ft 6 inches. Height is around 4ft and weight around 25lbs

A 10 MHz antenna Hex Beam
A large hex beam that would accommodate a 30 meter element, the hex diameter needs to be about 9 meter 30 ft

Hex Beam, WY3A
Hex Beam For 5-Bands

The reflected W beam
I was always looking for a solution for my dx peditions and finally came to the this kind of antenna

Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300

Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300 A solution built around an arduino nano and one of the readily available four relay switching boards

Satellite Antenna Rotator Controller and TRACker

Satellite Antenna Rotator Controller and TRACker ARCTRAC is a portable integrated satellite tracking system

Duplexer 2m-70cm

Duplexer 2m-70cm- Usare un'antenna bibanda 2/70 con due radio separate V/UHF, usare due antenne separate V/UHF con una singola radio bibanda