
CAT and Audio interface for FT-897

The two cables to connect from the interface to the RIG are one old PC-keyboard cable and the other an connector cable for macintosh computers
post 06 Apr 2024
CAT and Audio interface for FT-897

Interface Radio Links


USB digital modes interface
the PCB myself by printing the tracks using a laser printer and then ironing it on to a thoroughly cleaned copper clad board

Using the FLdigi Pseudo FSK
fldigi Ham Radio Digital Modem Application

Win Key per computer
Il circuito elettrico del Win Key e' molto semplice perché sfrutta la commutazione logica 0 /1 su pinprecisi di questa e di quella seriale per effettuare la manipolazione del tasto telegrafico

Yaesu FT1000MP USB Radio Interface
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40m Compact 4-Square Antenna

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