
70Mc-s Low Pass Filter

The filter published there is working without problem and needs no or very little tuning
post 21 Feb 2024
70Mc-s Low Pass Filter

RF Filter Links


Band-Pass Filters for HF Transceivers
from intrastation interference these handy and inexpensive filters can help

Clean Up Your Signals with Band-Pass Filters
design of band-pass filters that provide a level of selectivity and reliability heretofore unavailable

Clean Up Your Signals with Band-Pass Filters
a series of band-pass filters BPFs between 150 W transceivers and 1500 W amplifiers

Crystal band pass filters for QRSS applications
a good RX band pass filter will be an important feature of any future design

Coaxial Stub Filters
You should not need to use a narrowband filter after a transmitter

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Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300 A solution built around an arduino nano and one of the readily available four relay switching boards

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Duplexer 2m-70cm

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