
The Delta Loop Skywire Antenna

The construction of a simple multiband delta loop antenna skywire for the 80m 10 m bands. The construction will be theoretically initialized with the help of the antenna calculation program EZNEC
post 06 Feb 2024
The Delta Loop Skywire Antenna

Antenna Delta Loop Links


Antenna delta loop 6 metri 50 MHz
Delta Loop, has a value of about 125 ohms, while its gain is about 1.4 dBd

6m Deltaloop
This delta loop for the 50 MHz amateur band is easy to carry out

Delta Loop UN7CI for 7, 10, 14 and 21- MHz
The antenna has SWR less the 2.0:1.0 at height of the lower side 1.2 meters above the ground

Delta loop rotable for 40 m
the delta loop has an impedance of about 100-120 ohms. a quarter wave of 75 ohm coax is used to transform the impedance down closer to 50 ohms

Take off angle of horizontal antenna

Take off angle of horizontal antenna For horizontal polarization, the electric field will move sideways on a horizontal plane, while for vertical polarization it will oscillate up and down on a vertical plane

Rx antennas 4Square Rx Vertical Array

Rx antennas 4Square Rx Vertical Array My frequency design of 1.825 MHz a 90 degrees line would be 33,70 metersinstead of the previously calculated 33,27 m

Atu balanced feeder antenna system

Atu balanced feeder antenna system An ATU has the advantage of bringing the feeder-antenna system to resonance, act as a band pass filter both on receive and transmit and a low SWR