Baluns on Log Periodic Antennas
Amateur antenna manufacturers also place baluns at the incorrect location in LPDA arrays or instruct users to route the coaxial feed cable incorrectly
post 29 Mar 2024

Toroid & balun Links →
1:1 Balun for HF wire
1:1 50 ohm balun for use on HF horizontal wire dipoles. It uses an AM radio ferrite rod, with 3x14 turns of wire. 10-14 turns should be good for 2-30MHz. 18SWG enammeled copper wire
Binocular ferrite 9:1 balun RX Transformer
There are lots of good designs for matching transformers for receiving antennas. it's cheap and easy, and very high performance
1:9 Antenna balun
I had this feeling the 1:4 balun was not presenting the greatest match to the open feed line. After I built and tried this 1:9 balun the autotune antenna tuner was able to
1:9 Antenna Long Wire con Balun 9:1
Vi occorre un antenna semplice e di sicuro funzionamento, in pochi minuti potrete costruirvi una Long Wire (filo lungo) o corto, fate voi
1:1 50 ohm balun for use on HF horizontal wire dipoles. It uses an AM radio ferrite rod, with 3x14 turns of wire. 10-14 turns should be good for 2-30MHz. 18SWG enammeled copper wire
There are lots of good designs for matching transformers for receiving antennas. it's cheap and easy, and very high performance
I had this feeling the 1:4 balun was not presenting the greatest match to the open feed line. After I built and tried this 1:9 balun the autotune antenna tuner was able to
Vi occorre un antenna semplice e di sicuro funzionamento, in pochi minuti potrete costruirvi una Long Wire (filo lungo) o corto, fate voi

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map