The matching circuit is the same as above with the following components, C 1 = 20 - 110 pF, variabel Mica capacitor,C 2 = 2 - 15 pF, variabel foil capacitor
post 28 Jan 2024
Antenna 6 meter Links →
Portable UHF 4 elements Yagi Antenna
The antenna has 7.5 dBd (9.6 dBi) gain at 436 Mhz and the SWR varies from 1.3 at the lower edge, almoust to 1.05 to midband, and 1.9 at 440 Mhz
Yagi LFA 5 el. per i 6m 50.000-50.150 MHz/
Progetto per la costruzione di un'antenna Yagi LFA Loop Fed Array per i 6m, con boom da 4.9m
3 element Yagi antenna
The antenna has 7.5 dBd (9.6 dBi) gain at 436 Mhz and the SWR varies from 1.3 at the lower edge, almoust to 1.05 to midband, and 1.9 at 440 Mhz
Progetto per la costruzione di un'antenna Yagi LFA Loop Fed Array per i 6m, con boom da 4.9m
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62