Antenna Homemade SP3L CobWeb
cobweb-10m-12m-15m-17-20m was the design from g3tpw. and work very well, the only limitation was the small bandwith. after a year i was very happy with this kind of antenna and decided to make a definitive cobweb. this time i built the sp3l variant with an inproved bandwith
post 29 Feb 2024
Antenna Cobweb Links →
Cobweb Antenna omnidirectional
It comprises 5 parallel dipoles bent into a square shape and mounted on a support structure made of fibreglass poles
Cobweb Antenna
The wires above are 12-14 AWG basically speaker cables which are cut to 1/2 wavelength for each band the area of the band you are interested
Cobweb Antennas
These are my SWR readings so far: 28.782→ 1:2 - 24.248→ 1.2 - 20.633→ 1:2 - 17.664→ 1:2 - 14.079→ 1:1
Ultra Light Cobweb Antenna
Cobweb Antena is the best omnidirectional antenna for 6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, and 20m HF Bands
It comprises 5 parallel dipoles bent into a square shape and mounted on a support structure made of fibreglass poles
The wires above are 12-14 AWG basically speaker cables which are cut to 1/2 wavelength for each band the area of the band you are interested
These are my SWR readings so far: 28.782→ 1:2 - 24.248→ 1.2 - 20.633→ 1:2 - 17.664→ 1:2 - 14.079→ 1:1
Cobweb Antena is the best omnidirectional antenna for 6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, and 20m HF Bands