
Delta Loops for HF

After having marginal results on 17 meters using my Alpha-Delta DX-EE with a tuner, I put up a resonant dipole
post 28 Mar 2024
>Delta Loops for HF

Antennas for 17 meters Links


17 Meter Wire Antennas
12m e' un normale dipolo, sui 17m funziona come un dipolo caricato

Build a 17 Meter Reduced Size Coaxial Moxon Retangle
A standard Moxon rectangle designed for 17 meters would be about 19 3/4 feet wide, the same Moxon retangle is reduced to about 11 feet wide

Builda 12/17 Meter Trap Dipole
Build a for 12 - 17 meter Dipole rotatable with traps

the dual band wire Beam Moxon with Fiberglass tubing spreaders, Flexweave elements 12/17 m Moxon with one 50 ohm feed

18 MHz 3element Beam
Its a 28 Ohm version on a 5m boom with 5.7

Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300

Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300 A solution built around an arduino nano and one of the readily available four relay switching boards

Satellite Antenna Rotator Controller and TRACker

Satellite Antenna Rotator Controller and TRACker ARCTRAC is a portable integrated satellite tracking system

Duplexer 2m-70cm

Duplexer 2m-70cm- Usare un'antenna bibanda 2/70 con due radio separate V/UHF, usare due antenne separate V/UHF con una singola radio bibanda