
Electronics Converters and Calculators

Calculators conversion charts and converter programs available for use. Some of these are directly related to interest in the electronics
post 05 Dec 2024
Electronics Converters and Calculators

Antenna Calculator Links


Short tuned vertical with concentrated loading
This is a simple calculator to estimate the Antenna Factor of a short 0.25 l'ambda vertical

Single Band Dipole Calculator
Actual length depends on conductor diameter and end effects

Single layer air core inductor calculator
The calculation is based on the classic Wheeler's formula for single-layer inductance air core, tightly wound

Slim Jim antenna calculator & Slim Jim information
This calculator can be used to design a Slim Jim or a J Pole antenna. The Slim Jim, can be a great portable roll up antenna, if made out of 300? or 450? ladder line twin feeder. A Slim Jim for 2m 145MHz will be 1.5 metres long, and 70cm 433MHz will be 0.5 metres. Alternatively, for permanent installations, the copper tube

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


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Conrad Electronic

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