
Antena Cubica Multibanda

This is the quad-cubic antenna for 2 elements. 14.25 MHz = 21 Mts 50 cm, 21.30 MHz = 14 Mts 38 cm, 28.60 MHz = 10 Mts 73 cm
post 05 Dec 2024
Antena Cubica Multibanda

Antenna Quad Links


A Homebrew Quad 3 bandes 14-21-28
All elements of the rod and arm are made of fiberglass. The idea is to rebuild this 5-band antenna

Build a Multiple-Polarization Quad
The feedline is connected to point A, which gives a horizontally polarized transmitted signal

Double Quad 13CM 23 CM
Here is a description of a 9 dBd double quad and its calculations

Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori

Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori Chi dispone di una sola antenna e vuole collegarvi più di un ricevitore necessità di uno splitter

Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

50MHz to 28MHz RX Converter

50MHz to 28MHz RX Converter The concept of the rx converter is quite simple and nothing really new. the local oscillator is a standard colpitts crystal oscillator producing the 22mhz lo signal