Antennes Slim Jim 432 Mhz
The antenna Slim Jim 432 Mhz version, has no difficulty to build, I did once again, at least possible, it is made with enamelled wire 2.5 mm, from a transformer
post 19 Dec 2021
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Bi-Bande 144/432Mhz pour le trafic SSB
Details of the dipoles: that of the 144Mhz is actually a trombone recovery, with the impedance matching system on the top of the boom.
Cheap Yagi Antennas for VHF/UHF
Typically, a high gain antenna is designed in the computer, then you try to come up with a matching arrangement for a 31.9 Ohm
Construccion de una antena cubica para VHF
The cubic antenna is a dipole to which we have folded the ends to close it
Dipolo de 1/2 lambda con gamma match para 88-108 MHZ
This is a 1/2 lambda type antenna, typical with gamma match adapter, can be stacked to achieve greater gain, I am preparing the documentation for anyone who may be interested in building
Details of the dipoles: that of the 144Mhz is actually a trombone recovery, with the impedance matching system on the top of the boom.
Typically, a high gain antenna is designed in the computer, then you try to come up with a matching arrangement for a 31.9 Ohm
The cubic antenna is a dipole to which we have folded the ends to close it
This is a 1/2 lambda type antenna, typical with gamma match adapter, can be stacked to achieve greater gain, I am preparing the documentation for anyone who may be interested in building
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