ARISS Antenna and Satellite Antenna
Circularly Polarized Yagi Antenna for ARISS Contac
post 19 Dec 2021
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
La pounder de 144 MHz
the pounder is a directional antenna for the 2-meter band, which provides a theoretical gain of 7.2 dBi and an F / B of over 20 dB
La QUAGI 144mhz 1200 antenne miracle
An 8-element quad antenna is tedious to build, the tiles being awkward to fix on the boom and to manufacture. On the other hand, from 3 or 4 elements, the difference between the quad and yagi fades.
Piccola HB9 per VHF
Costruita con uno scatolato di alluminio, dalle dimensioni di 23,5 X 23,5 millimetri con uno spessore di 1 millimetro
Semplice collineare per i 145 Mhz
La taratura dell'antenna E' semplice, basta spostare i collarini avanti o indietro a seconda delle misurazioni del rosmetro
the pounder is a directional antenna for the 2-meter band, which provides a theoretical gain of 7.2 dBi and an F / B of over 20 dB
An 8-element quad antenna is tedious to build, the tiles being awkward to fix on the boom and to manufacture. On the other hand, from 3 or 4 elements, the difference between the quad and yagi fades.
Costruita con uno scatolato di alluminio, dalle dimensioni di 23,5 X 23,5 millimetri con uno spessore di 1 millimetro
La taratura dell'antenna E' semplice, basta spostare i collarini avanti o indietro a seconda delle misurazioni del rosmetro
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