10m Antenna for 28MHz
The Homebase-10 is a simple to make wire halo antenna for 10m 28MHz built using parts available from the local DIY store
post 01 Feb 2024
Antenna 10m 28 Mhz Links →
Antenna 28 - 144
The dual band antenna is a 28 MHz double square, on the carrier beam of which a 144 MHz nine element wave channel is fixed
Build a 10 Meter Technician Class Dipole
It is a half wave dipole designed for the center frequency of 28.400mhz but should cover most of this 200khz spread with low SWR
Dismantable Yagi for the bands 10-17m
The middle parts consist of 2 m long 20x1,5 mm aluminium
Antenna delta loop 10 metri
Antenna multibanda realizzata con due canne da pesca in fenolico lunghe 7 metri
10 meter antenna 5element
Boom tube Ø 50 x 3 mm, elements tube Ø 20 x 2 mm, on middle section tube Ø 16 x 2 mm on both sides
The dual band antenna is a 28 MHz double square, on the carrier beam of which a 144 MHz nine element wave channel is fixed
It is a half wave dipole designed for the center frequency of 28.400mhz but should cover most of this 200khz spread with low SWR
The middle parts consist of 2 m long 20x1,5 mm aluminium
Antenna multibanda realizzata con due canne da pesca in fenolico lunghe 7 metri
Boom tube Ø 50 x 3 mm, elements tube Ø 20 x 2 mm, on middle section tube Ø 16 x 2 mm on both sides