El Dipolo por 10mt
Documents for amateur radio show us the formula adapted to ours: L = 150 / F, that is, if we put the frequency F in MHz, we get the average wavelength L in meters, at least in theory
post 05 Dec 2024

Antenna 10m 28 Mhz Links →
2-Element parasitic Yagis 10m-30m
No other antenna has a better relation between gain and expense than the 2-Element-Yagi. One element additional to the dipole will give you 4dB gain
10 meter eh antenna
The antenna has the same basic circuit arrangement as the 20 and 40 metre
2 Element Cubical Quad
My antenna can be taken apart and is therefore well suited for the weekend in the garden or for the field day
10m 3 element yagi
Very short boom (3,00m), for 28,0-28,8MHz lightweight construction possible
No other antenna has a better relation between gain and expense than the 2-Element-Yagi. One element additional to the dipole will give you 4dB gain
The antenna has the same basic circuit arrangement as the 20 and 40 metre
My antenna can be taken apart and is therefore well suited for the weekend in the garden or for the field day
Very short boom (3,00m), for 28,0-28,8MHz lightweight construction possible