
Quad cubical 80 m

Quad cubic antenna for 80 meters, since the working width in this band is very wide, the calculation is in Frequency. 3,740 MHz
post 11 May 2024
Quad cubical 80 m

Antenna 80 meter Links


80m Band Top using 2 elevated radials
The TLV80 antenna is mounted on a Fiberglas Teleskop Mast Height of mast is 8 meters

80 m 3/4 wave LLV
The left Vertical wire is 180 degrees out of phase with the middle and right Vertical wire

Dipolo rotativo delta para 80 metros
The rotating dipole for 80 meters has a length of 20 meters, its weight reaches 20kg

The 80m 2el. Yagi project
Tube parts on the ground. 10m long, 90 mm OD Aluminium pipe boom and the elements

The triple 4-square project antenna
The 40m 4-square will be centered in the 80m one, which will be centered in the 160m 4-square. hence the triple 4-square

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