
Aerials Some thoughts and ideas

The doublet works I found on all bands. A dipole is really a one band aerial, cut for 1/2 λ on the band you want to work on and fed by 50 Ω
post 21 Mar 2024
Aerials Some thoughts and ideas

Wire & Random Antenna Links


Building a Double Extended Zepp Antenna
Zeppelin double antennas, suitable antenna tuners for their adaptation, extended Zeppelin double antennas and a practical example of the Zeppelin double antenna construction are described

Cage dipoles prismatics
Articles in antenneX, the Prismatic Polyhedron, or Pn, is a derivative of the simple dipole

Coaxial Dipole antenna
The first HF antenna I put up was a coaxial dipole, the concept was developed by MIT. Electrically it is very different to a conventional dipole

Coaxial Folded Dipole Antenna
What if I told you can make a 50 ohm version directly from RG-58 or RG-8 / RG-213 cable?

Dipole Cobra Ultra Lite
A simple antenna cut for 75m so I could test the location


Linear loaded short dipole 21Mhz For my amateur radio activities on the HF bands I only have a 3.6 m wide balcony available for antennas. After some study I decided to experiment with a shortened dipole for the 15 m band

Rx antennas 4Square Rx Vertical Array

Rx antennas 4Square Rx Vertical Array My frequency design of 1.825 MHz a 90 degrees line would be 33,70 metersinstead of the previously calculated 33,27 m

A simple SWR Meter is to be used at HF

A simple SWR Meter is to be used at HF An SWR meter provides information about how well matched is your antenna with the transmitter and how well power is being radiated