EFHW the end-fed half wave antenna
One of the cautions you sometimes see in discussions of the end-fed antenna are avoid multiples of a half wave
post 06 Dec 2024
Wire & Random Antenna Links →
Vertical Dipole
All radiators are 1/4 wavelength radials for individual bands are 5%
Wire antennas for the low bands
I have experimented with a variety of wire antennas. Any configurations have to fit in my 100ft long by 40ft wide garden
1/4 Slopers 40/15M Band
The antenna that most suited this application was a 40m band sloper as the guy wire to be used was slightly longer than a 1/4 wave length at 7 MHz and the top fed sloper was the most convenient installation having the least impact
15-40-80mt Dipole
I have this balun installed on all my coax feeders
All radiators are 1/4 wavelength radials for individual bands are 5%
I have experimented with a variety of wire antennas. Any configurations have to fit in my 100ft long by 40ft wide garden
The antenna that most suited this application was a 40m band sloper as the guy wire to be used was slightly longer than a 1/4 wave length at 7 MHz and the top fed sloper was the most convenient installation having the least impact
I have this balun installed on all my coax feeders
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62