HF wire antenna
An L-shaped antenna
post 06 Dec 2024
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Inverted L Antenna Info
It is a relatively cheap and simple way to have a decent low angle antenna RF performance, given its vertical polarization
Inverted vee dipole
I have had limited success with this antenna, although G3SWH has used this antenna for many years
Instructions for Putting up a Long-Wire Antenna
This antenna picks up signals best at right angles. It picks up worst end-on. Therefore, remember to orient the wire to pick up from the direction in which you are most interested
Antenne long wire balun-9-1
La Long Wire rappresenta un buon compromesso che permette di avere un’antenna multibanda
La Zeppelin a cortina
Antenna bidirezionale per bande basse
It is a relatively cheap and simple way to have a decent low angle antenna RF performance, given its vertical polarization
I have had limited success with this antenna, although G3SWH has used this antenna for many years
This antenna picks up signals best at right angles. It picks up worst end-on. Therefore, remember to orient the wire to pick up from the direction in which you are most interested
La Long Wire rappresenta un buon compromesso che permette di avere un’antenna multibanda
Antenna bidirezionale per bande basse