Sky-Hook for the Antenna Wire
The receiving antenna was a 122m long wire fixed to a Kluever Kite that served as a sky-hook. This law of physics is still true today
post 06 Dec 2024
Wire & Random Antenna Links →
The G5RV Multiband HF Antenna
The interaction between the radiating section and the feed-stub makes the G5RV easy to match on all-bands from 80 through 10 meters with an ordinary low-cost antenna tuner
The Inverted "L" Antenna
The Inverted "L" is a 1/4-wave Marconi, fed against ground or a counterpoise such as radials
The W3EDP antenna
The W3EDP end fed wire antenna lends itself readily to QRP and portable operation
20 meters Cage Dipole
I badly needed an antenna for 20 meters. It was when the Cage Antenna solution came to my mind
The interaction between the radiating section and the feed-stub makes the G5RV easy to match on all-bands from 80 through 10 meters with an ordinary low-cost antenna tuner
The Inverted "L" is a 1/4-wave Marconi, fed against ground or a counterpoise such as radials
The W3EDP end fed wire antenna lends itself readily to QRP and portable operation
I badly needed an antenna for 20 meters. It was when the Cage Antenna solution came to my mind