Welcome to the Folded Dipole
A variation of the dipole is an antenna called a folded dipole. It radiates like a dipole but sort of looks like a squashed quad
post 19 Dec 2021
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G5RV Antenna
The G5RV antenna is probably one of the most maligned antennas in the world
G5RV Formula a simple multiband antenna
Most people think that the famous G5RV antenna was designed as a multi-band antenna, but in fact, it was actually designed as a three - half waves in phase antenna for 14 Mhz
G5RV multi-band antenna
The G5RV, with its special feeder arrangement ladder line, is a multi-band centre-fed antenna capable of very efficient operation on all HF
How High should my Dipole be
I frequently hear the question: how high should my dipole be? Or alternatively, will my dipole work well at this or that height?
The G5RV antenna is probably one of the most maligned antennas in the world
Most people think that the famous G5RV antenna was designed as a multi-band antenna, but in fact, it was actually designed as a three - half waves in phase antenna for 14 Mhz
The G5RV, with its special feeder arrangement ladder line, is a multi-band centre-fed antenna capable of very efficient operation on all HF
I frequently hear the question: how high should my dipole be? Or alternatively, will my dipole work well at this or that height?
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