
La J antenna per 144 MHz

La J  antenna per 144 MHz

L'antenna ha un basso angolo d´irradiazion e il guadagno è più di 3 dB rispetto ad una ground plane

post 06 Dec 2024

Antenna jpole Links


The 450 OHM Ladder Line Slim Jim Antenna
Want to homebrew an antenna for 2M? Want something that actually works well

The J-pole antenna
The J-440, a very simple J-pole gain antenna for the 440 to 450 MHz band

The Original Slim Jim the


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62


Radioassistance Radioassistance E Kenwood Dealer, vendita ricetrasmittenti, antenne, parti di ricambio, elettronica

Conrad Electronic

Conrad Electronic Electronic components online shop in German and Italian