Antennes raccourcies
Antennes raccourcies Photo
post 26 Oct 2024
Antennas theory Links →
Impedance d'un dipole
A conductor supplied in the middle has an impedance which depends mainly on its length and its diameter but also on the frequency
Introduction to Transmission Lines
How do you connect a receiver or transmitter to an antenna, Simple a transmission line
La polarisation d'une antenne
The polarization of an antenna is that of the electric field of the wave that it radiates or that it receives in a privileged way, for example through its main lobe
L'antenna Long-Wire
Una comoda antenna multi-banda,pocca spesa minimo ingombro
Les antennes cadre, loop et boucles
There are two families of loop antennas: large loops whose total length is of the order of one wavelength and small loop antennas tuned like oscillating circuits
A conductor supplied in the middle has an impedance which depends mainly on its length and its diameter but also on the frequency
How do you connect a receiver or transmitter to an antenna, Simple a transmission line
The polarization of an antenna is that of the electric field of the wave that it radiates or that it receives in a privileged way, for example through its main lobe
Una comoda antenna multi-banda,pocca spesa minimo ingombro
There are two families of loop antennas: large loops whose total length is of the order of one wavelength and small loop antennas tuned like oscillating circuits