Portable Vertical Antenna 20-30-40mt
The concept is to make the antenna self supporting and able to be broken down into small pieces for easy transport
post 21 Dec 2021
Antenna HF Portable Links →
Antenne Quagi 432 MHz pour station portable
The wooden lath is the boom. It is necessary to drill holes 3 mm in diameter for the passage of the elements, except for the two frames that will be maintained by the plexiglass parts
Antenne per hf ad uso portatile
Questa e' una personale soluzione, al fine di utilizzare le HF in portatile piu' precisamente dall'auto sfruttando la carrozzeria come piano di terra e naturalmente
Effective HF Mobile Antennas
One of the problems with HF mobile operation, especially on 160, 80 or 40 Meters is antenna efficiency
HF mobile antenna
This mobile antenna is designed for all HF bands from 10 to 80 meters an proved to be very efficient in my travels in South America
The wooden lath is the boom. It is necessary to drill holes 3 mm in diameter for the passage of the elements, except for the two frames that will be maintained by the plexiglass parts
Questa e' una personale soluzione, al fine di utilizzare le HF in portatile piu' precisamente dall'auto sfruttando la carrozzeria come piano di terra e naturalmente
One of the problems with HF mobile operation, especially on 160, 80 or 40 Meters is antenna efficiency
This mobile antenna is designed for all HF bands from 10 to 80 meters an proved to be very efficient in my travels in South America
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